
well, as I write this I have a total of 6 downloads (3 of them counting me and my two friends) so I hope that one day, when the game is complete, some kind soul will read the past devlogs in the curiosity of knowing how this little game was made

But let's get down to business, plans!

I got a friend of mine, and one of the great inspirations for me in game development, to test my game! I asked for honest criticism and for him not to worry about taking it too hard, he tested it, recorded a video of himself playing it and sent it to me, man... I let a lot go!

I don't know if it makes much sense for a developer to talk about the problems with his own games, but I don't know, maybe it'll teach other people something

for alpha 0.0.4 (which may not come out, but don't worry, if it doesn't, the first complete part will be released along with the second in January probably) dialog errors will be corrected, sprites and the beginning of the game will change, with an initial cutscene that makes more sense, the characters will have more "realistic" dialogs and consistent with their realities, I know it may sound a little confusing, but it will be noticeable.

new mechanics and more possibilities for exploration!

after releasing 0.0.2 i started testing the door mechanic in the background, that is, yes, i managed to get the player to interact with the door and enter a room! Magical! Isn't it? (I know it isn't).

I've also managed to make the dialogs vary according to the item the player has collected along the way, my next plan is to make a "universal" and practical cutscene system (the final cutscene of 0.0.2 was almost a workaround but in a way it already used a bit of this cutscene system) and a save system! 

in the next few devlogs, I'll try to post some concept art and plans for the game, no spoilers, just some things that were discarded and others that were used.

that's it, I don't expect anyone to read all this, but if they do, know that I think you're an incredible person, thank you for your patience :,)

Get Street Away

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